6 Things You Can Do To Stick To Your Juice Cleanse

If you are thinking about detoxifying your body, moving towards a mucusless diet and reinvigorating your digestive system through undertaking a juice cleanse, then it’s great that you are reading this article looking for tips to ensure it goes well for you.

It can feel a little intimidating when you are looking into juice cleansing, especially the realisation that it will sometimes be a struggle to deal with the prospect of no food and having to fight your urges.

But don’t worry too much, millions of people have undertaken their first juice cleanse successfully, and are feeling great because of it. Let’s go through six simple things you can do to make your first juice cleanse easier.

  1. Pick the right juice cleanse for you

If you are new to the idea of a juice detox, it’s better to start with a short duration juice cleanse. Two or three days is a great starting cleanse program. You should also plan which days you are going to do it over, so that you can focus on the juice cleanse, or conversely not undertake it when you are trying to focus on something else in your life. Remember that a juice cleanse is something you are doing to help yourself, not to causes problems.

  1. Consider preparing your body for a juice cleanse

Rather than going from partying and fast food straight into a cleanse, consider tidying your act up in the week leading up to your juice cleanse. Cut out the rubbish and replace it with simple whole foods, and more regular water drinking. Increase your vegetable and fruit intake and up your gentle activity rate, by taking regular walks.

  1. Prepare yourself for times of hardship

Let’s be honest, sometimes juicing is hard. You are changing your normal eating patterns, and replacing food with juice during your juice cleanse. If you are emotionally attached to food, and usually you will be aware of this, then juice cleansing could be more challenging for you. This could make you more irritable, or it could mean you have to plan to avoid diving into food if something goes wrong.

  1. Treat yourself

During your juice cleanse do some nice things for yourself. They don’t have to be spectacular, energetic or expensive, but get out there and do the things you don’t usually do but want to, it will make you feel much better.

  1. Always drink enough juice to not be hungry

Don’t think that you need to only drink juice at mealtimes, or regulate your intake. If you start to feel hungry, drink more juice. There is actually nothing wrong with keeping up a continual sipping regime.

  1. Celebrate your success

Plan to do something special after your juice cleanse. That doesn’t mean go out and get smashed or go for a luxurious meal. Perhaps plan and activity that you and your partner enjoy for example.

Lots of people juice, but we are the world’s #1 juice cleanse!  For more tips on juicing and the benefits of a mucusless diet, and to view our range of exclusive fruit juice blends, visit our today.