Category Archives: Juice Detox

Like all diets and health and fitness programs there are ups and downs associated with following a juice detox. The first few days can be a little tough as you and your body get used to taking in less calories and only drinking rather than eating. It is important that during this time you focus on all of […]

Are you ready for summer? Are all of your sweaters packed away, and your closet filled with tank tops, shorts and swimsuits? Or are you still wallowing in the lethargy of winter and unable to respond to the spring sunshine which is the precursor to summer? Winter blues are very real and can be caused by a number […]

With the summer sun comes the opportunity to shed layers of clothing and allow the skin to come into contact with the warmth of the sun. Yes, it may be pale and yes it could very well be dimpled following the excessive amount of heavy food and drink that we take in over winter. Action needs to be […]

You will read a lot online about how great a juice detox is for your body and mind. But what you will not read a lot about is the possible juice detox side effects you may experience. However, when we talk about possible side effects we are not talking about things that will damage your […]

The juice detox can be a wonderful thing. It helps to kickstart your digestive system into working in peak condition and it detoxifies your body. The whole process can allow you to become healthier and fitter. But no matter how many times you do a juice cleanse, there will be times when you find it […]

Well, another New Year is finally upon us. I swear that every year seems to go quicker than the last, and life just gets that little bit more hectic each time. But the New Year is an ideal time for everyone to think about a full body detox. It’s a time of refreshing yourself physically […]

When people decide to go on a full body detox, it’s generally a great thing. The decision to go on a full body detox can be the kickstart you need to re-discover the energy, vitality and general well-being that you were born with, but have since lost through the rigors of your unhealthy Western lifestyle. […]