Common Juicing Mistakes to Avoid

Starting out on a juicing diet can be a steep learning curve, and to be honest juicing with mistakes is better than no juicing at all. However, by avoiding many of the most common juicing mistakes it is possible to get the best out of juice cleansing.

Using Too Many Sweet Fruits and Vegetables: Sweet fruits and vegetables are naturally attractive as you know they are going to give your juice a sweetened and therefore more pleasant taste. What you have to bear in mind is that when juicing you are using several of these fruits combined. If you were eating a single piece of fruit the sugar and fructose would be at acceptable levels. Too many of them in your juice and the sugar can have a detrimental effect on insulin levels. Try and add only one sweet fruit to a serving of juice or choose carrots instead.

Not Cleaning the Juicer: It can take time to create a serving of juice, and as we know time is a precious commodity which no one has to spare. It is important to at least rinse off your juicer immediately after use, if not clean it properly. Walk away from it, leaving it dirty and you are leaving yourself a job which is set to be incredibly time consuming later. There is nothing worse than trying to clean off hardened fruit and vegetable pulp from each section of the juicer or press.

Variety is the Spice of Life: Many people find a juice that they like and stick to it. Not only are they missing out on a world of variety and of course all of the other vitamins and nutrients present in different natural foods, they are setting themselves up to fail in their efforts to complete a juice detox. Drinking the same juice day in and day out, several times a day is a path which can only lead to failure. Just as a balanced diet is important for everyone, so too is a balanced juice cleanse diet so that you can be sure your body is getting all of the different vitamins and minerals that it needs.