Confessions Of A Fruit Juice Cleanse Fanatic Part 2

In I told you how I came to start seriously considering the use of a fruit juice cleanse diet in order to change my lifestyle.

I looked into it all, I bought the equipment I needed and I also made sure I was supplementing everything I did with professional advice and high quality pre-made fruit juice cleansing products to supplement my own.

After boring my friends on nights out for several weeks about how I would change my life, the time came for me to actually start….changing my life.

I digested information wherever I found it online. I read about the juice cleanse evangelist Jason Vale, a self appointed lifestyle juice coach. He says:

“If you already have a clogged, overweight, tired and ill system then your body can do with all the help it can get on the digestion front…”.

Jason says you should start to long-term transition to introducing juicing into your lifestyle by undertaking a true juice cleanse. This means flushing out your system for two or three days by living on nothing but juice and water.

Some high profile people have done it, such as Ashton Kutcher and Sarah Jessica Parker. But as with anything, the information I was getting was that you have to do it sensibly and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Another high profile celebrity, Gwyneth Paltrow reported to the press a while back that she went 10 days on a pure juice cleanse and then started hallucinating!

Seriously Gwyneth, why would you do that? What advice was she given?

So I started with day one, as you do. I found it easier than I thought, because the juice was actually more filling than I thought it would be, and I was mentally well up for this.

I went for the juice cleanse for the first three days, over a weekend. I have to admit that I struggled by the end of the weekend, because I was craving so many different kinds of foods.

But I stuck with it, and on the Monday I changed to have a fruit juice blend in the morning, and then in the afternoon and evening a mix of vegetable juice blend supported by solid foods.

And what can I tell you, by the end of one week I felt fantastic. I had also started gentle cardio exercises as well, something I had not done since school.

So do I recommend the juice diet? So far yes. It would be insane me to say just go for it, you need to do your preparation.

This means talking to to your doctor, it means talking to a fitness specialist and it means talking to a professional juice cleanse product supplier.

It also means mentally preparing yourself for undertake a lifestyle change, rather than thinking of it as a quick and short-term solution to a problem. Approached the right way, the early signs are it can change the way you think about food and exercise forever.

To see the Dr Juice Cleanse range of professional juice blends, visit our