Example Fruit Juice Cleanse Plan Outline

When it comes to juice cleansing, there are many different ways you can achieve the desired result. Some people follow a fruit juice cleanse plan laid out by others, while some people make up their own plan which develops based on the experiences they have.

So there really is no right or wrong way to undertake a fruit juice cleanse. What matters is that you follow some initial key principles to make sure that you discover the benefits while not pushing your body through a sudden extreme change that can have a negative affect and put you off sensibly continuing over the longer term.

Below is an example fruit juice cleanse plan in outline that you can follow to get started right now.

For the three days leading up to your fruit juice cleanse…

Drink eight glasses of water per day. This will allow your body to be hydrated while also speeding up your digestive system.

Eliminate all bad foods. This means things like white carbs, sugar, additives and other poor quality foods. Continue to eat whole foods, such as whole grains, and up your fruit and vegetable intake. Make sure that the fruit and vegetables you eat are organic.

Cut out alcohol and caffeine. If you rely on other stimulants, for example sugar drinks, cut these out well.

It’s also important work on your attitude prior to juice cleanse. Reinforce continually your intention to carry it out, your commitment to it and how it will change your life.

During your fruit juice cleanse…

Start the day with a glass of warm water and lemon.

Make sure you have pre-prepared your juices in advance. As a guide you need to prepare at least six fruit juice portions. These should be taken every two hours. You can also add in more juices if you want, or sip the juice over two hours.

Limit yourself to very light exercise such as walks, yoga and stretching. Do not exert your body too much during a fruit juice cleanse.

For the three days After your fruit juice cleanse…

Add in fruits, vegetables and other whole foods. If you can stick to just fruit and vegetables in their solid form, perhaps supplemented by juice, then that’s great. However if you want to bring your diet back into solid-state, then make sure you only eat whole foods, lots of fruit and vegetables and make sure it is organic.

The ideal state after the conclusion of your first fruit juice cleanse will be to supplement the juicing regime with the slow introduction of solid fruit and vegetables over three days and beyond.

To learn more about the benefits of fruit juice cleansing, click here to download the Dr juice cleanse guide to undertaking a juice detox. Our also stocks a comprehensive range of exclusive fruit juice cleanse blends.