Fruit Juice Cleansing And The Mucusless Diet

If you have heard that there are benefits in moving towards a mucusless diet then you will probably already be aware that some types of food produce mucus in large quantities during digestion.

Foods such as meat, poultry, grains, dairy and starch can all cause dramatic increases in mucus levels when being digested. Meat, poultry and dairy are the worst offenders, and you should seek to take them out of your diet as soon as possible.

Although starch is mucus forming, some foods such as 100% wheat spaghetti are not as bad and can be used during the transition away from a mucus forming diet content.

Other Mucus Forming Foods To Watch Out For

There are some foods which people do not realize are mucus forming. These include rice and avocados.

Also, nuts are mucus forming. Plantains are starchy. Unripe fruit is also mucus forming, so ripe fruit should always be ingested.

Corn and beans are also mucus forming foods, and these form the basis of many types of processed food.

Habits That Can Help You To Transition Away From A Mucus Forming Diet

You should seek to avoid drinking during your meals. It’s best to wait for a small amount of time  after you have finished your meal before drinking, usually 30 minutes or more. The reason for this is that mixing liquid with solid food can impede on your digestive system’s ability to digest.

Try to avoid eating fruit and vegetables together. This also goes for fruit and vegetable juicing regimes as well.

You should try to eat two meals a day, plus juices. Aim for a fruit meal and a combination meal of salad with cooked vegetables in the evening.

Colonic irrigation can help with the transition to a mucus free lifestyle as well. Colonic irrigation can flush out toxins in your body and leave you feeling refreshed, benefiting your digestive system.

The key to success is the transition to mucus free food only. By doing this, you will gently reprogram your body to enjoy only mucus free food, to the point where once you go over to a full mucusless diet your body will be ready for it.

If you do this correctly, your cravings for mucus inducing foods will be gone forever. In fact, if you change your body’s chemistry correctly, then you may not even be able to eat the foods that generate mucus.

Dr Juice Cleanse range of fruit juicing products are especially blended to help to aid the transition to a mucus free diet. to browse our online store.