How Does Juice Cleansing Work?

Juice Cleansing is actually a simple to understand process. During  a juice cleanse or juice detox, the amount of toxins entering the body is greatly reduced, which makes it easier for the body to remove the toxins which have been allowed to build up as a result of following an unhealthy diet. Depending upon the needs of the individual a juice cleanse diet can last between three and twenty one days. Throughout the period of the juicing diet solid food is removed and replaced with fresh juice and water.

The juicing diet removes all manner of bodily toxins which have built up within the colon and digestive system, toxins which result in poor digestion, poor skin, hair and nails and a lack of energy. The process of following a juice cleanse diet increases bowel activity and as such toxins are expelled from the body much more quickly. Once excess toxins have been expelled or removed then the body is more able to focus on optimum function which can lead to weight loss and other health benefits.

For the majority of people managing to include a basic five fruits and vegetables in their diet is a struggle as processed foods have replaced many fresh options in the diets of many individuals. It is essential that the body receive nutrients from fresh fruit and vegetables in order that it functions effectively. Juicing is an incredibly effective way of greatly increasing the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that the body requires in order to work better, many of which are eliminated from many traditional western diets. When the body works better toxins are removed more effectively and better health is promoted.

With an increased level of vitamins and nutrients events such as weight loss can be fast tracked, as while juicing, individuals are enjoying a fat free, antioxidant boosting diet. The body becomes healthier, skin becomes clearer and hair becomes healthier, stronger and more glossy. Energy levels may dip at the start of a juice cleanse diet as the body goes through the initial detox but the diet has been shown to promote an individuals energy levels over time.