Is Juice Cleansing Good For You

After a period of self-indulgence, or years of physical neglect, the idea of simply juicing up your fruit or vegetables for a few days and suddenly turning into a new person can seem hugely attractive.

But you will also have to answer the question “Are juice fasts healthy?” If you are to put your mind at rest and decide to give it a go.

Juice Cleansing And Toxins

When it comes to asking is juice cleansing good for you, one of the main things that needs to be discussed is toxins in the body and how juice cleansing effects these.

Impurities are taken out by our digestive system and ejected through several means. However, with our modern lifestyles toxins can build up in the body over time. This can affect our liver, kidneys, colon and general wellbeing.

Juice cleanse allows your body to receive the nutrients it needs but without receiving toxins. This allows the digestive system to operate at peak efficiency and expel those toxins that have built up in your system.

Juice Cleansing And Weight Loss

If you undertake a three-day juice cleanse you will lose weight. However, initially it will mostly be water weight that you lose.

When you start eating again you will simply put the weight back on in a few days. So juice cleansing and weight loss are about making a long-term change in your diet.

So before you start a juice cleanse for weight loss purposes you need to ensure that your diet is changed forever once you complete your initial one. You can then use occasional juice cleanse periods to continue process.

Juice Cleansing And Health Concerns

For the overwhelming majority of people are short-term juice detox is not going to be harmful. You may feel tired and get a headache, or other symptom,s as the toxins leave your body, but generally there will be no detrimental effects and the benefits will outweigh the downside.

But in some situations juice cleansing can have a detrimental effect on someone who has health problems.

If you are diabetic, on medication, or have any other condition then you should seek the advice of your doctor. Depending on your age and general fitness levels, it may also help to seek advice before undertaking a juice cleanse even if you have no obvious health problems currently.

To get more information on the benefits and science behind juice cleansing, click here to download the Dr Juice Cleanse guide called “Refresh Your life”