Things You Should Do Before, During And After A Juice Detox

A juice detox is a cleansing and refreshing thing to do. Many people periodically undertake a juice cleanse as they find it invigorates them, giving them fresh zest for life.

If you’re thinking of undertaking a juice detox then it’s important that you don’t just wake up one morning and start doing it. It’s always best to prepare before, during and after a juice cleanse to ensure the best benefits, while making it easy for yourself.

Things To Do Before A Juice Detox

First of all, it’s good to plan out your juicing in advance. That way you can make sure you have everything to hand, so you are not trying to fit in shopping trips frequently around the rest of your life.

If you are using the Dr Juice Cleanse ready-made blends then it is simply a matter of planning for delivery. If you are aiming to supplement this with home-made juice blends then it’s essential you know exactly which ones you’re going to use, so that the ingredients are ready.

Tell your family and friends. No matter what they think of your decision, it’s important that they are aware so that there are no awkward moments around food.

Things To Do During A Juice Detox

It’s a good idea to scale back on your nights out during a juice cleanse. Social engagements usually involve alcohol and food, which can obviously ruin the point of doing the detox at all.

Another great idea is to plan to keep yourself relaxed during your cleanse, as this will bring additional health benefits. Consider yoga, breathing exercises, or other meditation options.

During a juice cleanse it’s often a good idea to consider writing a daily journal. Not only can this help you to clarify your thoughts, especially when you are finding it tough to stick to it, but it can help you to remember at a later date so that you can adjust it for your next juice cleanse.

It is also very important that you prepare for any reaction during your juice detox. Most people experience some sort of reaction as your body adjusts, and the toxins are removed. You should listen to your body at all times. If you are not feeling great, don’t push yourself as this will lead to an increased chance of failure.

Things To Do After A Juice Detox

A great thing to do is to review how things went, including reading back through your journal entries. While it is all fresh in your mind, make some notes so that you can quickly refer back to them when you are planning your next detox.

After a juice cleanse, it’s important to make sure you don’t slip back into bad habits. So you should maintain juicing as part of your regime, balancing it out with whole foods only.

And finally, pat yourself on the back. You’ve just taken your first step into a great new world.

To help you plan your detox, why not look at the Dr Juice Cleanse range of prepared fruit juice cleanse products, all available for delivery in our .