The Three Key Benefits Of A Fruit Juice Cleanse

The drinking of fresh juice, be it vegetable juice, fruit juice, or a combination of both, doesn’t really seem like much of a life changing revolution to many people.

However, the fact is that millions of people get involved with juice cleansing every year. There must be a reason why people do it, otherwise it would be another fad that disappeared without trace?

So what is it about fruit juice cleansing that has made it become a staple part of many people’s lifestyles?

In essence, there are three key advantages to juice cleansing, so lets look at them now.

First, juice cleansing is a great way of purifying your body.

The combination of easy to digest energy, calories and nutrients, mixed with the ability of fruit juice cleansing to more quickly release toxins from your body, make a juice detox a great way to feel good.

Especially when used in conjunction with other methods, such as colonic irrigation, you can quickly remove toxins that have been building up in your body, and give yourself a fresh start.

Secondly, people use juicing to kickstart a diet.

Juicing can be a great way of getting some rapid initial weight loss, while helping to break your connection with the usual terrible Western diet most of us have. By undertaking a 3 to 5 day juice cleanse, you can break the connection with food and allow yourself to reintroduce whole foods, including plenty of vegetables and fruit, and maintain the weight loss as well.

Thirdly, juice cleansing can allow you the chance to kickstart a new you.

Although this one is less certain as it is partly about your mind, many people have found that the combination of losing weight, having more energy and vitality, and releasing toxins from the body, creates the right mindset to change their approach to many things.

People who struggle with energy levels and taking regular exercise, often find that juice cleansing is a great way to change this. Although you should not exercise heavily during the juice cleanse, the way it lightens your body and mind, will allow you to start doing gentle exercise which can then be ramped up as you progress after the juice cleanse.

And juicing doesn’t just last 3 to 5 days. Once you end your pure juice cleanse, you can start to introduce wholesome foods into your diet, along with exercise and a more positive mindset.

So as you can see, there are several reasons to give juice cleansing a try. As with anything new, you should always check how your body will respond before undertaking it, especially if you have an underlying medical condition.

However, for most people a juice cleanse can be a really positive experience that they want to repeat time and time again.

To download the Dr Juice Cleanse guide, “Refresh Your Life”, which gives you more information on the benefits of juice cleansing, as well as some practical tips on doing your first juice cleanse, click here .