What Juicing Means in Terms of Skin and Health Benefits

Juice cleansing or juice detox diets are known to provide rapid results in terms of weight loss and boosting the complexion. However the diets can also be followed for different reasons. If you are considering a juicing diet you should be aware of all of the associated health and beauty benefits.

The body already has a pretty effective cleansing system in place, it works around the clock to eliminate toxins from the body. Our liver, kidneys and lungs as well as our digestive systems are constantly striving to detoxify our immune systems every day. What a does is help that process along by encouraging the liver to do the best possible job it can. Fruits and vegetables, as well as whole foods provide the liver with the nutrients that it needs in order to perform effectively. Cleansing is not about starvation, it is about giving back to the body what modern living has taken away.

Losing weight alone is not a good reason for choosing juice cleansing. While the weight will indeed come off it will return once you start eating normally again, plus you may also be placing your body through unnecessary stress. Using a juicing diet to cleanse you palate is a better idea as it can help to eliminate over eating. Once the cleanse is over however it is tempting to return to your old ways. Planning ahead and stocking up on whole foods, tofu, cottage cheese and legumes will help you stay on track once the cleanse has been completed, and limit any relapse into your old eating habits.

Juicing to achieve an all round better diet is the best option of all. Fresh pressed juice for breakfast and a smoothie in the afternoon is a simple way of giving your body all of the vitamins and antioxidants that it requires. Plus these foods are also great sources of beauty boosting nutrients such as beta-carotene and vitamin C which are some of the important ingredients needed by the body in order to manufacture collagen. An increased intake of  which will provide you with healthy, glowing skin.