Are you ready for summer? Are all of your sweaters packed away, and your closet filled with tank tops, shorts and swimsuits? Or are you still wallowing in the lethargy of winter and unable to respond to the spring sunshine which is the precursor to summer? Winter blues are very real and can be caused by a number of factors, some clinical and some environmental.
Take a look at the food that we turn to over winter, the majority of it is rich, filling and heavy. Yes it may warm us through and provide us with an internal food hug which makes us feel good. But think about the pressure it is putting on your digestive system. The more foods that we eat which are rich and heavy, the more work we are giving our digestive systems to do. The system slows down and we find that as a result we also slow down, we become lethargic and listless, constantly over tired and unenthusiastic about meeting each new day. Sounds very much like the winter blues doesn’t it? Shaking them off without turning to medication is possible, and can be done by changing the foods that we eat, doing away with toxic, processed foods and turning to juicing.
Juicing on its own is a great way of increasing the intake of vitamins and other essential nutrients in the body. Juicing used in terms of a juice diet or juice detox is even better as it can help eliminate all of those toxins which made us feel so ill in the first place. By following a juice diet, there is little or nothing for the digestive system to break down, as that has all been taken care of by the juicing process itself. This means that the digestive system can have a break, take time to recover and then the body can get to work eliminating all of those harmful toxins. People often find that one of the side effects of juicing is that they have more energy, feel more alert and vibrant, and all shadows of the winter blues just like those toxins have been eliminated.