What Is A Mucusless Diet And How Can It Be Beneficial?

Prof Arnold Ehret became convinced of the value of specific dietary intake while he was travelling in North Africa. The professor began eating only fruit and the dramatic results he got from this, like gaining enough energy to cycle 800 miles for example, convinced him that what we eat governs how healthily we act.

He developed a theory of health that has parallels in eastern medicine. He decided that the human body was a system which needed its energy to flow without restriction.

When this energy flow is slowed down by heavy digestion and through improper diet, it created negative impacts far beyond those that could be initially seen.

The Concept Of The Mucusless Diet

Ehret’s concept on the mucusless diet is still controversial, but enjoys a powerful following across the world.

The concept is that the only foods that do not cause the production of mucus are fruits, nuts and leafy green vegetables. He created dietary definition based upon these groups, and also through supplementing them with fasting and flushing the system with water.

The professor emphasised how the body has to work to remove toxins. Understanding how it does this allows people to take control of their natural balance. The benefits of this are dramatically increased energy and weight loss, without nutritional deficiency.

The mucusless diet basically goes beyond vegetarianism and even beyond a vegan diet.  In essence, he advocated a focus on the original human diet.

What Are The Benefits Of A Mucusless Diet?

People who undertake this change in diet tell you that one of the first things they notice that is within just a few days their sinuses and lungs feel much clearer.

Fasting is part of this diet and it causes toxins stored in ourselves to be released back into the bloodstream. Although initially this can create a feeling of sickness, once it passes and the toxins are eliminated, a surge of energy is experienced.

Accompanying this, people also report a dramatic increase in concentration levels and general positive attitude.

How Can I Start A Mucusless Diet?

Ehret suggested that you should always eat fruit first, followed by vegetables. This breaking down of food groups is known as mono meals.

Dr Juice Cleanse is a special blend the takes on the principles of the mucusless diet by producing an easily digestible fruit juice cleanse.

The rules of this diet are always to eat or drink fruit-based items first. Some vegetables can take hours to digest, so by drinking Dr Juice Cleanse first, you can stick easily to the principles that Ehret found so successful.

To browse the Dr Juice Cleanse range of fruit juice blends, click here to visit our online store. so that you can discover the benefits of a mucusless diet for yourself.