Juice Cleansing – Negative Side Effects to be Aware of

A Juice cleansing diet involves following a juice only based eating plan for a predetermined length of time. It is believed that by following a juicing cleansing diet harmful toxins are flushed out of the body and as a result a substantial amount of weight can be lost. For anyone looking to follow a , as well as the positives of the process there are also some negative side effects of which you should be aware.

Dehydration: Ultimately this could prove to be the most negative of all of the possible side effects. Yes, by following a juicing diet the body is getting large volumes of liquid throughout the process, however it is not getting the fibre that generally accompanies that liquid when we follow a normal diet. The result is that the liquid travels through the body faster than it should which can cause diarrhoea which is often accompanied by dehydration. People who are dehydrated suffer from headaches and dizziness as well a dry mouth and fatigue.

Anxiety & Depression: When blood sugar levels drop as a result of poor nutrition it can lead to people experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression. This could be anywhere from feeling slightly nervous or anxious, to feeling overwhelmed and insufficient. This is one of the main reasons that the diet should only be followed short term as symptoms can increase in severity over time.

Fatigue & Exhaustion: There is very little in the way of calorific intake involved in a juicing diet. After a little time the body reaches the conclusion that food is in short supply and puts itself into starvation mode. Once this happens the body tries to expend as little energy as possible, holding onto the reserves that it has and putting little effort into making fuel to keep the body going. This can result in people experiencing extreme fatigue, so much so that they lack the energy required to perform their regular daily activities.

Weight Regain: Much of the weight shed during a juice detox is simply fluid loss. As soon as a normal diet it returned to the weight can easily creep back on.